
1976 SA Fly Line Chart

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

This information is from the 1976 SA Fly Line Chart published in the Spring Special edition of Fly Fisherman magazine.  Hopefully, I can get this to format acceptably...



Manufacturer and

Model Number






Manufacturer and

Model Number






 Algonquin   T10-706 7'6" 5 Angler  UL36   6'
 T10-707 8' 6 UL37   6'6" 5
T10-710 8'6" 7 880  8' 
T10-711 8'6" 7 8 Special  8'  7
T10-714 8'6" 8 1880  8'  8
T10-716 9'  8 890  9'  9
T10-717 9'  9 1890  9'  8-9
T10-718 9'  9      
T10-719 9'  10 Browning   322960  6' 5
      322970  7' 6
Berkley   Specialist IV 6'3" 4 322975  7'6" 6
PG 40 6'3" 4 322980  8' 6/7
Specialist V 7' 5 322985  8'6" 7
PG 40 7' 5 322986  8'6" 8/9
F 40  7'6" 6 322990  9' 8
Specialist VI  7'6" 6 322991  9' 9/10
PG 40  7'6" 6      
C 40  7'6" 6 Cortland   FR 2000  6'6" 5/6
F 40  7'6" 6 ProCrest  6'6" 5/6
PG 40  8'  7 FR 2000 7' 5/6
PC 40  8' 7 ProCrest 7' 5/6
T 40  8' 7 FR 2000 7'6" 5/6
C 40  8' 7 ProCrest 7'6" 6/7
F 40  8' 7 FR 2000 8' 6/7
B 40  8' 7 ProCrest 8' 6/7
PG 40  8'6" 8 FR 2000 8'6" 7/8
PC 40  8'6" 8 ProCrest 8'6" 7/8
T 40  8'6" 8      
C 40  8'6" 8 Daiwa   3044 7'6" 7
F 40  8'6" 8 3045  8' 8
B 40  8'6" 8 3046  8'6" 8
PG 45   9'3"  9 3047  9' 9
      345 Bonanza  8' 6



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